Ancient Practices Might Help Address the COVID-19 Pandemic

Modern science continues to be humbled by the observations and practices of ancient cultures. For example, who would have thought that leech therapy from ancient Egypt would ever find a place in modern medicine? Or that Native American sweat lodges might hold keys to enhancing chemotherapy effectiveness through whole body hyperthermia?

Indeed, as scientists look more open mindedly at the herbs and other therapies of our predecessors, they often gain insights into modern treatment strategies. Such insights lead us to look seriously at the wisdom of ancient cultures and how it may have a bearing on the current COVID-19 pandemic.

One of the more intriguing postulates is that observations from the ancient Middle Eastern scriptures may hold particular promise for the world’s current struggles. Physician and public health professional, David DeRose, MD, MPH, suggests that applying these ancient principles could make a profound difference in slowing the spread of severe COVID-19 infections—and thus helping society re-open sooner and more safely.

Dr. DeRose has prepared a free paper that draws connections between nine scriptural principles and an enhanced immune system. Using the easily remembered acronym “sanctuary” he outlines valuable insights such as stress management, nutrition, rest, and many others.