Free Webinar: Optimize Your Health Outlook in 20 Minutes Per Week

Are you struggling to get your blood pressure under better control without adding more pills? Are you looking for insights to help you shed some unwanted pounds? Perhaps you are concerned about the diabetes that runs in your family—or simply want to get on a program to optimize your physical or mental performance. If you’re looking for non-drug strategies to help you on any of these fronts, then Dr. DeRose’s free webinar may be just what you need. For an investment of as little as twenty minutes a week, DeRose will walk you through essential principles drawn from his popular and highly-rated book, “The Methuselah Factor.”

Each Tuesday from 7:00 to 7:20 PM Eastern Time…

Physician and health educator, David DeRose, MD, MPH, will help attendees take a practical health-enhancing journey that will continue over the course of the summer of 2020. You can jump on or off the program at any time, so you’ve got nothing to lose. If you’re not familiar with how improving your “Methuselah Factor” (DeRose’s moniker for hemorheology—blood fluidity) can transform your life and health, then check out Dr. DeRose’s free videos on YouTube

As part of the “Optimize Your Health Outlook” series, we’re rolling out 2-3 of our brand new Methuselah Factor videos each week. (You can access all the currently available videos here: These videos provide the foundation for our Methuselah Factor Diet and Lifestyle Program, designed to constitute a 30-day, on-line lifestyle program.  Our commitment to release up to 3 videos per week (rather than on a daily basis) allows you to take the program at a bit slower pace. Nonetheless, the releases are timed to ensure you finish by the end of August.

Dr. DeRose recommends that you consider committing to each of the strategies and continue them throughout the summer. If you have any questions about whether a specific recommendation might be appropriate for you, please check with your health care provider. (This, of course, is an educational program and is not designed as a program to diagnose or treat any specific disease.)

Sample one episode in the series here

Consider Sticking Around for Our “Double Feature” from 7:20 to 8:00 PM

After Dr. DeRose’s twenty-minute health presentation, you are welcome to leave the webinar—or stay by for the next 40 minutes as Dr. DeRose distills the whole-person health benefits of Pastor John Bradshaw’s recent “Hope Awakens” series. Each week, DeRose will go through high points of one of Bradshaw’s presentations, especially emphasizing the benefits from a whole-person health perspective.

Don’t miss this once-per-week series

If you missed the important introductory meeting, check it out here ( Ongoing weekly meetings launched on Tuesday, June 9 from 7 – 8 PM Eastern. The recorded opening meeting of June 9 can be accessed here: .   

You can access the complete playlist (with all episodes) here:

Do You Want More of the Viewing Info at Your Fingertips?

Here’s How You Can Take Part Each Tuesday Night at 7 PM Eastern Time…